Wednesday 20 July 2022

Dancing on Ignorance: Nataraja Way


Lord Shiva has many guises but one of the most prominent and known figures to recollect is — Lord Nataraja — the god of Dance. Nataraja brings in memories of brass or stone statues that we would have come across in temples, books, or any other medium. Nataraja is the first dancing Superstar who has been the inspiration for countless dance moves and songs. But what’s the need for Lord Shiva to become Nataraja. What’s that small creature on which Nataraja stands on. What’s the significance of Lord Nataraja in our lives. Let’s try to find out.

As per Skanda Purana, the sages of Darukawana were divine yogis. But they gained vanity of being the elite living beings. They performed rituals and started thinking of themselves as Gods. The gave up the path of karma and got addled to yagyas and rituals only. To lighten up their path Lord Shiva along with Lord Vishnu, disguised themselves as Bhikshatana — a young attractive beggar and Mohini — a serene beauty respectively and reached Darukawana. Mohini spellbound all the sages and they started following her. On the other hand, Bhikshatana mesmerized the sage’s wives. To curb this lusty behavior of their wives the agitated sages directed a serpent, a tiger, and a dwarf demon (Apasmara) towards Bhikshatana.

Apasmara, the demon of ignorance, a demon who can’t be killed but only subdued, a demon whose presence balances knowledge and ignorance in this world. Lord Shiva as Bhikshatana subdued the tiger and serpent by wearing them. But Apasmara was a powerful demon who can’t be killed. Lord Shiva emerged as Nataraja to subdue Apasmara. Nataraj commenced Ananda Tandava and subdued Apasmara by standing on him in Bhujangatrasita Karana pose. It saved the world from ignorance and chaos. Folklores tell that whenever Apasmara raises his hood, Lord Shiva reincarnates as Nataraja and subdues the demon.

Nataraja’s Panchakritya or five key acts give us a pathway of how we can subdue the demon Apasmara i.e. ignorance, self-doubt, unconsciousness, and unawareness from within and our environments even in the connected world today.

1. Damru or Drum —

Damru or the hourglass-shaped drum in the rear left arm of Nataraj signifies Srijan or creation. It tells us how positive vibrations can recede any demon aside. Positive vibrations signify traits like smile, gratitude, generosity, and kindness.

2. Fire -

The raised rear right hand with fire signifies Samhara or destruction. It tells how burning transforms an ore of gold to a beautiful jewel we also can burn or destroy our negativity and attain our true potential. Negativity in terms of self-doubt, jealousy, corrupt thoughts. A fire of positivity makes one attain the inner self.

3. Open palm -

The open palm of forehand signifies Stithi or assurance. It gives us a reassurance that there is nothing to fear the cosmic overhaul or change. Life is full of changes and one needs to be reassured and grow with those changes.

4. Hidden left palm -

The hidden lower-left palm signifies Tirobhava or concealment. It reveals that Nataraj is the creator and destroyer of Maya or illusion, the veil of ignorance. Maya represents the perceptions created by one’s beliefs, senses, and upbringing. It is only by shutting the illusions of this external world through meditation that the real truth is found.

5. Apasmara -

The demon of ignorance, Apasmara on which Nataraja stands is of prime importance. It signifies that ignorance can’t be eradicated from the world but can be subdued by the light of knowledge. It all about finding the spiritual and emotional self by following the path of self-awareness and mindfulness.

Nataraja symbolizes balance. A way to channelize all energies to subdue all the ill traits. Everyone can attain inner Nataraja by focus, meditation, knowledge, discipline, and self-awareness. Else the demon Apasmara will create an illusion of self-doubt and uncertainty in our lives.

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